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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Leaving Barca

Hi all. This is going to be another entry where you really don´t learn much about what is going on because i´m short of time and there´s lots to do! Just thought i´d let you all know i´m alive and kicking in Barcelona, a great city. Off to Provence in France tomorrow (yes yes, life is hard) so if i get the chance i´ll upload one of hundreds of our photos of us posing in front of the worlds greatest sights, ok. Adios

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Buenos dias, esta estupendo

Hola from Grenada, España. We just arrived here today on the bus from another Andalucian city of Seville, home of the Flamenco dance. Last night we were treated to an amazing performance of the dance/music/singing in a little club close to our Pension. For days now its has been raining (and i mean raining, with some days only minutes escape from the downpours!) so it was with soggy jeans but a belly full of tapas (my god, so yummy, the paella...and the wine!) that we arrived early to the club to secure a good seat. We got front row, right in the centre. We were having sweat spilled on us! Even better was the heckler next to me shouting obsentities to heighten the already strange atmosphere. It was really was a moving show, and being in high spirits we approached the lead man and had a chat about the dance, and in my drunken state i think i complimented him on his great hand clapping, haha. As well as the moves from teh woman of course, which turned out ot be his ´woman´ or wife as i finally deciphered. So that was definitely the hightlight of our time in Seville as the rest of the city seems to be under heavy rennovation (much like the whole of Spain, the economy is booming!). The rain really put a dampener on things, boom boom.
So, where were we before then.... Immediately prior we spent a couple of days in Cordoba, which was a little disappointing, but still we had a great time. Each town here seems to have an old quarter full of ancient buildings, some restored and othe left as they were, but each with some spectacular sights to amaze.
We buzzed through Madrid (just a big city) but for me the highlight of Spain so far has been the beach resort of San Sebastien. Not only a beautiful setting with surf beaches, but inside the old quarter were myriad tapas bars all with different house specialties to entice. Upon a recommendation from our lively Pension owner/operator the few we visited were fantastic, though the sangria from our local bar was much better than the budget version i tried making in our hotel room. I won´t even bother explaining what ingredients were used but needless to say it was not authentic!
Whoa, its been a while since I´ve written here, and realise that Paris and the rest of France has not even been covered. I guess Corrina and I have just been having too great a time to drag ourselves into a net cafe. So now i have, here´s a brief glimpse into our Frence affair:
Arriving in Paris we quickly found a nice hotel and treated ourselves to a romantic dinner, with a tasty (and yes, very expensive) bottle of wine. That wasn´t the last restaurant we´ve visited but with a daily budget easily blown on accommodation, travel and munchies the Aussie Peso doesn´t always extend to the high life, especially in fancy France.
OK, so times up for net sesh, i will update soonish.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hola from España

Hi everyone, sorry its been a while but as you can imagine i´m having far too much fun here in Europe to be sitting in internet cafes. Corrina and I have been having an amazing time, seeing some fantastic places together: Paris, Tours, Bayonne, Biarritz and now into Spain here in San Sebastien, which is so beautiful. Tonight we are doing another round of tapas and sangria, which after a long hard day lounging at the beach is just what this backpacker needs.
Hope all is well, and will post some of our great photos next time.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Au revoir Belgique

Well we've had a great time in Brussels staying with my dear friend Sebastien in his apartment. Though we only saw a little bit of the city Corrina and I had a lot to catch up on!
Off to Paris now, until then.
Here is a silly photo of me at a famous landmark in Brussels, Mannekin Pis. You'll get it! We obviously have nicer photos, but my camera is packed away now.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I wont waffle on...

... mainly because it will take me so long to actually type anything on this French-layout keboard. I look like a technophobe typing with 2 fingers and watching exactly where each one presses.
OK this image is obviously pro but just wanted to show everyone what we will be indulging on this evening in Brussels. I arrived safely greeted by my friend Seb at the bus station having crossed the English channel by ferry via Dover from London, another 8 hours on top of the 23 already spent watching a true movie marathon on the Qantas plane from Melbourne. With 7 or so hours in London to fill before boarding i headed for Hyde Park to sit and read but couldn't find a dry park bench as it had just poured with rain, and then was lucky enough to catch up with Kirsty at Victoria station for a 'coffee' and (Klara you'll be happy to hear) hot chocolate.
So in a few hours Corrina and I will finally meet at the train station and thus begin our 5 month adventure together!